Genre: Music-Based Action
I picked this up during the Potato Sack promotion preceding the release of Portal 2. I played it a little during the "boot up" prior to Portal 2's release. I understand it was then, and is now, a pre-release.
The gameplay involves you traveling/falling through a landscape generated based on an MP3 file of your choice. You are scored based on your continued proximity to obstacles without hitting them ("kisses", passing through targets, and a multiplier for multiple "kisses" without hitting an obstacle.
Your enjoyment of the game will depend on your library of DRM-free MP3 tracks and, to some extent, your taste in music. I tried a few different tracks and had the best results with a guitar cover of the Goldeneye 64 music and Alien Ant Farm's cover of "Smooth Criminal." I had OK luck with Reliant K's "Sadie Hawkins Dance", and less luck with U2's "Beautiful Day." Faster, more rhythmic tracks work better especially those including crunchy rhythm guitar and heavy drums. The game's description indicates that it would also work well with Trance, but, as my music library doesn't include many good examples, I'll leave that to someone else.
I enjoyed playing, and will play again. It may not be something I return to on a daily or weekly basis (more due to the genre than the game itself - though it seems like it could be addictive), but I can see myself being in the mood for it a couple times a month.
There's a solid core mechanic here that the developer seems to be consistently improving, and I particularly like the possibility of bringing your own music. It's hard to put any negatives on it other than it feeling incomplete -- and that makes sense, it's a pre-release.
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